Vossloh Gmbh (Allemagne) propose une gamme de locomotives de fret construites à l'aide d'éléments très modulaires. Cabines, capots, mains courantes et traverses de choc se retrouvent sur plusieurs types. La modélisation en est facilitée ! En France plusieurs de cette gamme (type G1206) sont en service en 2001 (en location) dans la région de Strasbourg sous la dénomination BB61000 (ou BB461000) en livrée Fret.Vossloh company (Germany) build a range of freight locomotives with modular elements. So, its more easy to build models of the full range! In France many locomotives (type G1206) were delivered in 2000-2002 and are in service for SNCF in Strasbourg region under the name BB6100x (or BB46100x for Freight service).
March 9, 2003
First version of the model in CFL (Luxembourg Railways) livery.Download - Téléchargement - v1 du 9 mars 2003 - 2 Mo
Other repainted models of this locomotive are available on sites http://www.train-sim.dk and http://www.the-train.de. Some new improvements in power and lighting added to the latest by Oldiedaddy.
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